четверг, 15 февраля 2018 г.

Easy way to Understand the Key Idea of the Story You read

The author of the story may send different messages to the readers and an easy way to understand them is to know what that all might mean. So this is some general information on it:

1.                   A Life Lesson
   We all learn in different ways. When we think of learning, we usually think of teachers and school. However, a great deal of our learning takes place outside the classroom. Life is the greatest teacher of all, and our experiences often change our lives forever.
    In the following stories, the main characters undergo important changes through a single incident of a chance meeting, as occurs in “Thank You, Ma׳m”. As you finish each story in this part, ask yourself How did the characters learn a lesson? and  Have I ever experienced a similar situation? You might be surprised to find you have learned a lesson just from reading these stories.
1.                A Day’s Wait Ernest Hemingway
2.                Thank You, Ma’m Langston Hughes
3.                The Corn Planting Sherwood Anderson
4.                The Quicken Lisa Interollo

2.                   The Unexpected Twist
   Life is full of surprises. How many times have you been amazed by the turn of events in your own life and the lives of your acquaintances? You were sure, for example, that your best friend would marry the girl next door, only to learn that he eloped with someone he just met. Or, you׳re deep into that mystery novel; you think you can name the murderer. Then you get to the story. You׳re astounded to find out that the least suspicious character is really the guilty one.
   This literary device, used by most writers of suspense novels, is called the “unexpected twist” or the “surprise ending”. O. Henry, the famous American author, never failed to shock his readers by his totally unpredictable endings, as you׳ll discover in “The Last Leaf”. If you read the following stories carefully, you׳ll find some hints that the authors give to indicate that a surprise is coming. Look for these clues.
1.                The Last Leaf O. Henry
2.                The Ambitious Nathaniel Hawthorne
3.                The  Lottery Shirley Jackson
4.                The One Day  Wa  Judith Soloway

3.                   Irony
   Irony, sometimes defined as cruel twist of fate, “is a technique used by many famous authors. Perhaps that is because in real life we׳re always running into ironic situations that make us realize how much our existence is governed by chance or luck. You have already encountered some ironic elements in Part Two. In “The Ambitious Guest,” the stranger - who has such great expectations for his life – perishes with the family. The ultimate irony of the plot is that all the characters would have survived if they had stayed in the cottage.
   Not all irony has to be tragic, however. You will be amused by the turn of events in “The Third Level,” the fist story in this part of the book.

1.                All  Summer in  a  Day Ray Bradbury
2.                Desiree׳s  Baby Kate Chopin
3.                The  Third  Level  Jack Finney

4.                    Family  Relationships
   From Birth until death we have to deal with the first people who come into our lives – our parents and siblings. Even if your home life is essentially happy, there are many problems in close relationships. Perhaps you believe that your mother favors your brother or sister, or you don׳t quite understand your father. Resentments and misunderstandings repressed in childhood can often surface in adult years. Or, conversely, what you once perceived as cruelty can be viewed later as kindness, as you will see in one of the stories from this part.
   All three selections in this part deal with the most complex relationships of life – living day by with other human beings in a group we call family.
1.                A Visit to Grandmother William Melvin Kelley
2.                Too  Soon  a  Woman Dorothy M. Johnson
3.                My  Father  Sits  in  the  Dark Jerome  Weidman

5.                    Meeting Challenges
   In the latter part of the twentieth century, human beings challenged the universe. We landed on the moon, penetrated the mysteries of space, developed computer technology to a science, climbed mountains, and made remarkable archaeological discoveries. All challenges, however, do not have to be physical or phenomenal. Every day we take up small challenges; we fight daily battles of our own.
   There are innumerable situations that have rested you since the days of your childhood: your first day at school, meeting new friends, and adjusting to unfamiliar environments. Currently, you might be competing for a job or trying to break a bad habit. Whatever you are facing now, you should be able to relate to the challenges of the characters in this final part of the book.
1.                A Rice  Sandwich Sandra Cisneros
2.                The   Circus William  Saroyan
3.                The Warriors Anna Lee Walters

4.                Talking to the  Dead Sylvia Watanabe

среда, 14 февраля 2018 г.


Section 1: Politics
1.      Personal president’s representativeличный представитель президента,
2.      discuss peace-making problems – обсуждать проблемы миротворчества,
3.      Chairman of  the Supreme Council – председатель Верховного Совета,
4.      Vice-Chairman of the  country׳s parliament- вице-президент парламента страны,
5.      Keep close ties with the army – поддерживать тесные контакты с военными,
6.      Leaders of self-asserted republicруководители самопровозглашённой республики,
7.      In the course of regulation of the conflict – в процессе урегулирования конфликта,
8.      keep to definite neutralityсохранять определенный нейтралитет,
9.      join the dialogue with the Westвключиться в диалог с Западом,
10.  take responsibility of being the main negotiator – быть наделенным полномочиями главного переговорщика,
11.  contribute to the regulation with real actions – внести  реальный  вклад  в урегулирование,
12.  recognize completely the interests of the country – ни на йоту не ущемлять интересы страны,
13.  relations between independent states – отношения между независимыми государствами,
14.  a regime close to that of diplomatic confidence – режим, близкий к дипломатической секретности,
15.  the object of the visit – предмет визита,
16.  the aim of the trip – цель поездки,
17.  resuming of the negotiations – возобновление переговорного процесса,
18.  drag the talks backwards – тянуть с переговорами,
19.  destabilize the situation in the country – дестабилизировать ситуацию в стране,
20.   actions of protest – акции протеста,
21.   the International Communityмеждународное сообщество,
22.   enter peace-makers into the regionвводить в регион миротворческие силы,
23.   war observers военные наблюдатели,
24.   the line of cease-fire – линия прекращения огня,
25.  withdrawal of  Russian military basesвывод российских военных баз,
26.   alarm allies in the Westобеспокоить западных союзников,
27.  influence the results of the negotiationsоказывать влияние на исход переговоров,
28.   restore ones former positions – восстановить свои прежние позиции,
29.  a new avenue to the ruling establishment – новые перспективы для правящих кругов,
30.  threaten the security and stability of the region – угрожать безопасности и стабильности в регионе,
31.   oppose the bombardment of Afghanistan – быть против бомбардирования Афганистана,
32.  have grave concerns about – проявлять серьезную озабоченность по поводу чего-либо,
33.  overthrow the dictatorial  government – свергнуть диктаторское правительство,
34.   use chemical weapons against own people – применять химическое оружие против своего народа,
35.   package a new war for smb – развязывать новую войну против кого-либо,
36.   reexamine the entire policy in the Middle East –пересматривать полностью свою политику на Ближнем Востоке,
37.   refugees camp- лагерь беженцев,
38.  Gaza Strip – сектор Газа (Газы),
39.   national security forces – национальные силы безопасности
40.   the political operation masterminded by Presidentполитическая операция, руководимая президентом,
41.  express one׳s condemnation of suicide bombers – выразить своё осуждение по отношению к подрывателям - самоубийцам,
42.  mutually acceptable terms – взаимоприемлемые условия,
43.  be in a deadlock – зайти в тупик (о переговорах),
44.  negotiating parties (parties concerned) – договаривающиеся стороны на переговорах,
45.   Leave ones office – уйти в отставку,
46.  conclude agreements in one׳s own name – подписывать соглашения от своего имени,
47.  multilateral agreement – многостороннее соглашение,
48.  concern  over violations of freedom of the press and human rights – озабоченность по поводу нарушения свободы прессы и прав человека,
49.  be pinning hopes for resolution of the crisis and the Middle East problem as a whole –лелеять надежды на разрешение кризиса и проблемы Ближнего Востока в целом,
50.  favour bilateral cooperation – поддерживать двустороннее сотрудничество.

Section 2: Economy
1.             Joint venture – совместное предприятие,
2.             transaction – торговая операция,
3.             buyback – компенсационный товар,
4.             interest rate – процентная ставка,
5.             self-supporting and self-financing – самоокупаемость и самофинансирование,
6.             domestic market – внутренний рынок,
7.             form a partnership – оформить партнерство,
8.             access to markets – доступ к рынкам,
9.             foundation documents – учредительные документы,
10.         working capital – оборотный капитал,
11.         contribution in kind – вклад в товарной форме,
12.         tax on profit – налог с прибыли, income tax – подоходный налог, tax holiday – налоговая льгота, exempt  from taxes – освобождение от налогов
13.         Custom House (Customs) – таможня,
14.         limited company – компания с ограниченной ответственностью,
15.         (Currency) Exchange – валютная биржа, Stock Exchange – фондовая биржа, Goods Exchange – товарная биржа,
16.         deliver goods – поставлять товар,
17.         customs clearance – очистка от  таможенных пошлин,
18.         ….
19.         insurance of goods (breakage, leakage, damage, fire, burglary, natural disasters, war risks) – страхование товара (от поломки, утечки, повреждения, пожара, кражи, стихийных бедствий, военного риска),
20.         put the customer Number One считать, что клиент всегда прав,
21.         equal holding – равное владение акциями, shares – акции, bonds – облигации, shareholders  - держатели (владельцы) акций,
22.         the art of salesmanship – умение проталкивать товар на рынке,
23.         be ahead of competition – быть вне конкуренции,
24.         annual turnover – годовой товарооборот,
25.         unprofitable state-run enterpriseнерентабельное госпредприятие,
26.         current suppliers – поставщики на данный момент,
27.         consumer marketing – потребительский рынок,
28.         prices: sliding, fixed, firm, wholesale, retailed, competitive – цены: скользящие, фиксированные, твердые, оптовые, розничные, конкурирующие,
29.         advertising – рекламирование, soft sale – ненавязчивая реклама,
30.         inflation rate – уровень инфляции,
31.         the subsistence minimumпрожиточный минимум,
32.         gross domestic product (GDR) – валовый внутренний продукт (ВВП),
33.         the sale of real estate – торговля недвижимостью,
34.         the slump in production – упадок производства,
35.         protection of private entrepreneurship – поддержка частного предпринимательства,
36.         Leading developed countriesведущие развитые страны,
37.         a bankrupt enterprise – разорившееся предприятие,
38.         start the business – начать свое дело,
39.         the world economy – мировая экономика,
40.         economic growth – экономический рост,
41.         periods of stagnation and crisis – периоды застоя и кризиса,
42.         monetary incomes of the population – денежные доходы населения,
43.         labour resources – трудовые ресурсы,
44.         latent unemployment   - скрытая безработица,
45.         private small enterprise – частное малое предприятие,
46.         mail remittance – почтовый перевод,
47.         inquiry and offer (demand and supply) – спрос и предложение,
48.         earn hard currency – зарабатывать твердую валюту,
49.         rapid technological development – быстрое техническое развитие,
50.         market the product (goods, commodity) abroad – вывозить товар на внешний рынок.